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Why Doesn't Santa Have to Pay Gift Taxes? Thumbnail

Why Doesn't Santa Have to Pay Gift Taxes?

Estate Planning

As far as I know, Santa doesn't pay gift taxes. Why is that? Well to start with Santa isn't a US citizen and does not live in the US, so the US Tax Code doesn't apply to him. But even if it did apply, he still might not owe gift taxes.

Santa's Gifts are Probably Less Than the Annual Exclusion

The tax code allows individuals to gift up to $18,000 (in 2024) to as many people as they want. The amount is indexed to inflation and will increase to $19,000 in 2025. I'm pretty sure Santa has never given me more than a $18,000 gift in any given year. And...if Santa splits gifts with Mrs. Clause, they can double the amount and gift $36,000 (in 2024).

There is one caveat Santa needs to watch out for. The gift needs to be a gift of a present interest which means that Santa can't limit when the recipient can use the gift. It seems he is pretty good at allowing us to use our gifts on Christmas Day. If you're not Santa, this means you can't put a limit on your gifts by putting them in a trust as one example.

Santa May Not Have Reached His Lifetime Limit

In the rare occasion when Santa exceeds the annual exclusion (does anyone really get a car for Christmas?), he has another way to avoid paying gift tax. He has a lifetime combined gift and estate tax exemption. In 2024 the exemption is $13.61 million. If he combines with Mrs. Claus the limit increases to $27.22 million. The amount will increase to $13.99 million in 2025. That's a lot of money. It's really a lot of money when you think about the fact that Santa doesn't pay the elves to make the gifts. So, the Fair Market Value of the gifts might be quite low.

I know Santa has been giving gifts for a long time and you may be thinking he hit is lifetime limit. But I saw a documentary the other day that showed Santa can and does actually retire and is replaced every so often. Has something to do with the Santa Clause.

Some Gifts Have No Limits

In the rare case that Santa gives gifts in the form of education funding or medical care, there is literally no limit. Gifts paid directly to educational institutions and/or medical providers are excluded from the gift tax. In the case of education expenses, the exclusion applies to tuition but not books, supplies or room and board. For the medical expense exclusion, the medical treatment must be allowed as a medical deduction if the recipient of the care were to itemize deductions on his or her own tax return.

Military Finances are Different

Santa has some unique financial planning concerns. If you're an Active or Retired Senior Military Officer or NCO, you have unique financial planning concerns as well. That's why we think you should work with a financial planner that works with clients like you each and every day. If you'd like to find out how we work with clients like you, use the button below to schedule a free initial consultation.

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Retired Military Finances 101: How Often Should I Update My Estate Plan?

Retired Military Finances 301: I'm Going to Inherit a House. Now What?

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