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100% Focused on the Other 1%

Fee-only Financial Planning and Wealth Management For Active and Retired Military Members

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At any given time, approximately 1% of Americans wear our country’s uniform. If you are now part of or retired from that 1%, we are here to serve you.

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Recognized Experts in Financial Planning for Military Officers

We are People Like You

Curtis Sheldon, CFP®, EA, AIF® Photo Curtis Sheldon, CFP®, EA, AIF® Hover Photo

Curtis Sheldon, CFP®, EA, AIF®

President, Lead Planner
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Curtis Sheldon, CFP®, EA, AIF®

Curtis (Curt) Sheldon is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM Practitioner, Enrolled Agent, Accredited Investment Fiduciary® Designee and President of C.L. Sheldon and Company, LLC. He also is the author of Well and Faithfully Discharged: Financial TTP for Military Retirement.

Curt provides comprehensive financial planning, including Military and Veterans Administration benefits integration, tax planning and preparation, college planning, and retirement planning. He specializes in working with transitioning Senior Military Officers.

As a CFP® Practitioner Curt has met the rigorous experience and ethical requirements of the CFP Board. He has also successfully completed financial planning coursework and the CFP® Certification Examination covering the following areas: the financial planning process, risk management, investments, tax planning and management, retirement and employee benefits, and estate planning.

As an Enrolled Agent he is admitted to represent clients in all 50 states at all levels of the IRS.

The AIF® Designation certifies Curt has specialized knowledge of fiduciary standards of care and their application to the investment management process.

Prior to becoming a financial planner Curt served for 27 years as a Fighter Pilot in the United States Air Force. Highlights of his career include Combat Operations in Operation DESERT STORM, Command of an Overseas Fighter Squadron, an assignment as an Aggressor Pilot and an exchange student at the Escola de Commando e Estado Maior in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

He holds an MBA in Individual Financial Planning from City University of Seattle, and a Bachelor of Science in Management/Finance from the United States Air Force Academy. Curt is a recognized expert on financial planning issues for military professionals. He has been a guest speaker on financial planning for transition at the Pentagon; Headquarters, Air Force Space Command; Headquarters, Air Mobility Command; Headquarters, Air Force Special Operations Command; Headquarters, Air Education and Training Command; Nellis AFB; and Camp Lejeune. He has also spoken on Military Tax Planning at the Annual Conference on Financial Education sponsored by the Institute for Financial Literacy, the Fi360 Annual Conference and appeared on the Money, Wealth, and Riches radio broadcast. Curt has been published in Military Officer magazine, The Christian Science Monitor, and Money Mind Matters iMagazine. He has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, US News and World Report and the Huffington Post. Curt provides his thoughts on Financial Planning at his blog Amat Victoria Curam.

Tonia Peasley, ChFC®, AFC® Photo Tonia Peasley, ChFC®, AFC® Hover Photo

Tonia Peasley, ChFC®, AFC®

Financial Coach and Associate Planner
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Tonia Peasley, ChFC®, AFC®

Tonia Peasley has been with CLSheldon & Company 6 years.  She is a wife and proud mom to three children, ages 27, 25, and 14.  She is a 22-year veteran military spouse, and currently has a son who flies HH-60W’s serving in the Air Force.  Tonia has 20 moves in her chest of adventures and 7 years living in Japan.  Her Japanese is still evolving. 

Tonia graduated from the University of Maryland and completed the educational requirements of her CFP® program in 2015 from Boston University. Tonia has earned her Accredited Financial Counselor (AFC) accreditation in 2018 and earned her ChFC® in 2024 from the American College of Financial Services.  

Tonia currently resides in St. Augustine, Florida, the oldest city in the United States.  She enjoys cooking, swimming and carving out a few minutes every now and then to spend with her husband of 33 years. Tonia wears many hats around CLSheldon & Company as an Associate Advisor and Director of Client Engagement. Tonia finds working with military members, past and present, a challenge she will gladly accept as she continues to serve those who have bravely defended our country.

Joseph Brown, PhD, CFP®, MQFP® Photo Joseph Brown, PhD, CFP®, MQFP® Hover Photo

Joseph Brown, PhD, CFP®, MQFP®

Associate Planner
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Joseph Brown, PhD, CFP®, MQFP®

Joseph (Joe) Brown is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Practitioner, an associate planner at C.L. Sheldon and Company, LLC, and an instructor of personal finance at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy.   

Joe provides comprehensive financial planning, including Military and Veterans Administration benefits integration, tax planning and preparation, college planning, and retirement planning.  He specializes in working with transitioning Senior Military Officers.

As a CFP® Practitioner, Joe has met the rigorous education and certification examination requirements of the CFP Board. The education and examination cover the following areas:  the financial planning process, risk management, investments, tax planning and management, retirement and employee benefits, and estate planning.

Prior to becoming a financial planner Joe served for 25 years as an Officer in the United States Coast Guard.  Highlights of his career include deployments on two OPERATION DEEP FREEZEs, he developed and implemented the security strategy for the first military outloads in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM, served as Response Department Head at Marine Safety Unit Morgan City, LA during the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill overseeing the survey and declaration of the wreck as pollution free, and served as a Permanent Commissioned Teaching Staff at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy where he was the Chair of the Chemical and Environmental Sciences Department and a Professor of Chemistry.

He holds a Master of Science in Financial Planning from The American School of Financial Services, a Doctor of Philosophy in Organic Chemistry from the University of Rhode Island, a Master of Arts in Organic Chemistry from San Diego State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Marine and Environmental Science from the United States Coast Guard Academy.  

Joe lives in Westerly, RI with his wife, Melissa, and three children, Joseph (18), Isabella (16), and Cecilia (15).  He enjoys golfing, woodworking, being on and around the ocean, and traveling.  One of his bucket list items is visiting and exploring all seven continents, he has Africa and South America left to explore.   

Jada Mynhier, MBA Photo Jada Mynhier, MBA Hover Photo

Jada Mynhier, MBA

Client Service Associate
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Jada Mynhier, MBA is a Naval military spouse and mom of one. She obtained her Masters Degree in Business from Longwood University. Jada enjoys the beach and traveling with her family. 

Penny Parker Photo

Penny Parker

Tax Preparer
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Penny Parker

Penny Parker recently retired as a math coach from Prince William County Public Schools, with 29 years of classroom experience and 6 years as an instructional math coach for educators.  She has completed her tax training coursework through the National Association of Tax Professionals.

Dana Fairchild, EA Photo Dana Fairchild, EA Hover Photo

Dana Fairchild, EA

Tax Preparer and Tax Resolution Specialist
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Dana earned her Bachelors Degree in Accounting from St. Cloud State University in Minnesota and has completed the educational requirements to sit for the CPA exam.   She worked for the Internal Revenue Service for 12 years and became intimately familiar with the inner workings of the US Treasury.  The majority of the time she spent with the Service was in the Collection world and she is very familiar with the various programs and options available to individual and business taxpayers who owe past due Federal Taxes.

Dana currently holds an Enrolled Agent designation and can represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service in all Collection matters.  She has also completed her training in tax preparation through the National Association of Tax Professionals.

Dana is a 9-year veteran of the US Army as an Avionics Mechanic and proudly served the United States at Joint Base Balad during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Well & Faithfully Discharged - Financial Tip for Military Retirement  | Alexandria, VA | C.L. Sheldon & Company

Well & Faithfully Discharged

By Curt Sheldon, CFP®

Purchase Your Copy Today

Our Services & Fees

C.L. Sheldon & Company was founded in 2011. Our team’s primary focus is serving military professionals and their families through fee-only financial planning and wealth management. We dedicate our time to stay on top of military and veterans’ benefits to make sure your plan accounts for your unique situation.

We proudly uphold the fiduciary standard, meaning it is our responsibility to put our clients above all other interests. This means every decision is made in your best interests to help you and your family move one step closer towards your goals.

We provide comprehensive financial planning and wealth management services for military members. Here is a closer look at some of our prominent service categories:

Risk Management  | Alexandria, VA | C.L. Sheldon & CompanyRisk Management

This includes premature death, disability, and long-term care. Whether you are active duty or about to retire, we help you understand and factor in the Survivor Benefit Plan, Death Gratuity and other military and veterans’ survivor benefits as necessary so that your loved ones are taken care of in the event of your passing.

Investment Management  | San Antonio, TX | C.L. Sheldon & CompanyInvestment Management

We believe in controlling the things we can control, such as expenses and taxes. As such, we build broadly diversified portfolios and strategically rebalance them as appropriate to help you reach your goals. We don’t try to beat the market, but instead we align risk and return combined with behavior change to design a portfolio that accounts for your comfort with fluctuating markets and sets you up so that your money helps serve you.

Military Tax Planning  | Alexandria, VA | C.L. Sheldon & CompanyMilitary Tax Planning

There are a lot of special tax benefits and issues for current and retired military members.  We stay on top of those issues to make sure you don’t pay one penny more than required in taxes.  When you retire and start a new career we help you avoid getting hit with a big tax bill by looking for every possible way to maximize tax efficiency.

Military Retirement  | San Antonio, TX | C.L. Sheldon & CompanyMilitary Retirement 

When it comes to planning for your second, or “ultimate” retirement, we help you understand how all of your benefits work together, including your military retirement and veteran disability benefits. If you are a business owner, we can also advise you on which retirement plan will be most efficient from a tax perspective.

Estate Planning  | Alexandria, VA | C.L. Sheldon & CompanyEstate Planning

When you’re gone, it’s important that your estate plan is thorough and well organized to eliminate any burden on your heirs. This also encompasses outlining charitable aspirations you may wish to include as part of your estate. We can also help you plan and account for probate, or the elimination thereof, if desired.

Stand-Alone Tax Preparation  | San Antonio, TX | C.L. Sheldon & Company

Stand-Alone Tax Preparation

If you're looking for tax preparation, we provide that service as well. We spend hours upon hours to maintain expertise in the unique tax situations of active and retired military members.

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Randolph AFB (JBSA Randolph)

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Financial Planning for Military Officers

If you're a military officer and are looking for financial advice, you've come to the right place.

With headquarters in Alexandria VA and an office in San Antonio we serve clients in the National Capital Region, San Antonio, Colorado Springs as well as the remainder of the US and service members stationed overseas.

If you have a question or are ready to get started, please send us a message via the form below, or feel free to directly contact us. We look forward to working with you.

1800 Diagonal Road, Suite 600
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 542-4000 or (800) 928-1820

9901 I.H 10 West, Suite 800
San Antonio, TX  78230
(210) 960-0699 or (800) 928-1820



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