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Military Finances 101: How to Find a "Shred Day" Event Thumbnail

Military Finances 101: How to Find a "Shred Day" Event

Managing Your Finances

When I was on Active Duty and working in classified facilities, we had a rule that everything gets shredded. No paper was allowed in the trash can whether you thought it was classified or not and no paper was allowed to exit the facility unless being carried by a classified currier. This was probably a good idea (especially in light of where classified has been found in the last few years). It probably isn't feasible for you to do the same with paper in your house. Most household shredders aren't designed to handle that amount of work. A Shred Day event(s) may allow you shred most or all of your paper. And you should consider doing ii as reported losses from fraud are on the rise, and more than $5.8 billion is lost each year to fraud.1 So, let’s look at the benefits of attending a shredding event and some tips on how to find one near you!

What is a Shred Day Event?

A Shred Day event is a community-driven initiative to provide individuals and businesses with an opportunity to securely dispose of sensitive documents by shredding them on site.2

These events are typically organized by local municipalities, businesses, or nonprofit organizations, and they offer a convenient and cost-effective way for people to protect their personal information from falling into the wrong hands.

Why Attend a Shred Day Event?

Shredding documents containing personal information, such as bank statements, medical records, and credit card statements, helps prevent identity theft. Criminals often sift through trash to find documents with valuable information, and shredding renders these documents unreadable.

In addition to being opportunities to protect your personal information, Shred Days also help the environment. Shredded paper is often recycled, so by participating in a Shred Day event, you not only protect your identity but also play a role in reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices.

Lastly, many industries have specific regulations regarding the secure disposal of sensitive information. Attending a Shred Day event helps individuals and businesses stay compliant with privacy laws and regulations.

How to Find a Shred Day Event

If you have documents that need shredding, find a Shred Day event near you! Here are some tips for how to find one:

Check with Your Local Government and Municipalities
Start by checking with your local government or municipality. Many cities organize periodic Shred Day events to help residents dispose of sensitive documents securely. Visit the official website of your city, or contact the local government office to inquire about upcoming shred events.

Contact Your Financial Institution
Banks and credit unions often partner with shredding companies to organize Shred Day events for their customers. Check with your bank or financial institution to see if they have any upcoming shred events or if they can provide information on events in the community.

Ask Community Organizations and Nonprofits
Keep an eye on announcements from local community organizations and nonprofits. These groups sometimes collaborate to host Shred Day events as a service to the community. Check bulletin boards, community centers, or local newspapers for event details.

Check Online Event Platforms
Explore online event platforms and community websites. Websites like Eventbrite and Meetup, as well as community forums, often list upcoming events. Use relevant keywords, such as “shred event,” “document shredding,” or “secure disposal,” to narrow down your search.

Don’t Forget About Social Media
Leverage the power of social media to find Shred Day events in your area. Join local community groups on platforms like Facebook or Nextdoor, and inquire about upcoming shred events. Community members often share information about such events, making it easier for you to stay informed.

In a world where personal information is constantly at risk, attending a Shred Day event is a proactive step toward safeguarding your identity and promoting responsible document disposal. So, mark your calendar, gather those old documents, and contribute to a safer, more secure community. Shred it, don’t spread it!

Military Finances are Different

Most of your civilian counterparts haven't dealt with classified information. That's not the only difference between an Active or Retired Senior Military Officers or NCOs and civilians. Your finances are different too. You have benefits from the government, and you receive special tax treatment in several areas. That's why we think you should work with a financial planner or advisor that deals with Active and Retired Military Members each and every day. If you'd like to find out how we work with people like you, use the button below to schedule a free initial consultation.

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  1. https://explodingtopics.com/blog/identity-theft-stats
  2. https://www.shredit.com/en-us/secure-shredding-services/shredding-events

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