New Military Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account. A Good Deal?
With a fair bit of fanfare, DoD announced that Child Care Flexible Savings Accounts are coming to the Active Force. Should you use one? As always, it depends.
With a fair bit of fanfare, DoD announced that Child Care Flexible Savings Accounts are coming to the Active Force. Should you use one? As always, it depends.
There is nothing harder to "kill" than a military rumor. One that has been around for at least 10 years concerns VA Disability and your Military Pension. The Tax Court just put a stake through the heart of this rumor.
The saying is "The only thing for certain is death and taxes." I think we should maybe add "Tricare increases" to the list. What's changing in 2022?
Active and Retired Senior Military Officers and NCOs are, perhaps, more likely to have leftover funds in a 529 Plan than other Americans. That's because they have access to several educational assistance benefits through the VA or other entities.
Tax-free leave? Is there such a thing? There is. And if you're like many in the military, you've never heard of it.
As a military member you can suspend the clock when calculating the 2 of 5 rule to determine if your house is your primary residence. There is a lot of misinformation out there about this. Here is a primer.
I think I heard this question before I even finished pilot training. Sell back leave or take terminal? If maximizing the money in your pocket is your objective, the answer is pretty straight forward.
If you go to Facebook or LinkedIn and look a bit you'll find threads talking about SBP. There are always people that say SBP is too expensive. I wonder how they came to that conclusion. Here is my analysis.
Normally when you complete the FAFSA, you need to report all income. Is that the case with GI Bill benefits?
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